
Showing posts from 2019

AESCRIPTS collection for your AE Workflow

Here is a collection of AE add-ons and scripts that you'd need for a smoother workflow in After Effects... >> Link (

The USER EXPERIENCE "Fashion"...

WHAT THE HELL IS UX? The easiest way I learned and understood UX is by the following UX 5 FACTORS Questions... User Experience design is a process, and these lessons roughly follow that process, but you should always keep these five things in mind: Psychology, Usability, Design, Copywriting, and Analysis. Any one of these five ingredients could be a book of its own, so I will be oversimplifying a bit. This is supposed to be a crash course, not Wikipedia. Although to be fair, I’m pretty sure Wikipedia’s UX page was written by a guy who heard about UX once... at that thing... that time… Psychology A user’s mind is complex. You should know; you have one, (I assume). UXers work with subjective thoughts and feelings a lot; they can make or break your results. And the designer must ignore their own psychology sometimes, too, and that’s hard! Ask yourself: What is the user’s motivation to be here in the first place? How does this make them feel? ...

Download Ozone Imager V2 For FREE

Before you download: Please take a look at the  operating requirements  for Ozone Imager to be sure it will function properly on your system. Downloading: To install Ozone Imager, please follow these three simple steps: Choose which version of the product installer to download, PC or Mac. After you download, run the product installer. After you run the installer, load Ozone Imager in your host software. You will be prompted to authorize with your serial number. SERIAL : SN-OZONEFRIMG2-X6N7-CHJ8-H646-STE2 >> (MAC & WIN)  LINK :

Instalearn UX and UI Design

Here's a selection of images of documents and apps that teach you a whole lot about UX and UI Design: >> Link:

UI Adobe XD Components and Templates

I will be adding a selection of XD components and UI elements to this folder after every session I'd give this month. >> Link   ( )

Selection of the best Audio and Video Software Applications

Here's a list of the best software apps used in multimedia and films for audio and video production, You can download and install any app for free only and only if you would buy it if you'd want to continue using it: >> Link   ( Enjoy.

7 Free Sci-Fi Reaktor Ensemble

Hailing all sound design space-heads and astral-techno producers. Add some alien flavor to your beats, and beam some intergalactic waves into your sounds with these hand-picked instruments and effects. Because these ensembles are created by the incredible community over at the  REAKTOR User Library , they’re all 100% free-to-download and ready-to-use in  REAKTOR . MAXIMUM DRONE With variable filter modes, counters, and controlled pitched and wave modulators,  SpaceDrone MOD+++  is a sound generator that creates epic waves of noise, perfect for emulating the likes of Loscil or Ben Frost. Expect warped modulations of reverberated discords and cacophonies that will push your sound through black holes and to the outer edges of time. The futuristic drone sounds on tap here are nothing short of epic. Download SpaceDrone MOD+++ for free  here . A...