After Effects CC2018 New Features

1.Cinema 4D in AE has been upgraded to r19 (live link, spline tools, physical rendering, body paint)
2.If you use mercury transmit for monitoring, you can now preview in 10-bit with suitable hardware
3.Under Character panel, ligatures and Hindi digits are added.
4.Export as animated GIF via media encoder
5.Remove the font missing window when opening a new project by going preferences > type
6.Center anchor point in new shape layers by going Preferences > General
7.Cycling between the 7 masks modes (if 2 masks are intersected) by pressing the equal key (=) forward and by pressing the dash key (-) to go backwards
8.Clear out disc caches
9.In the project pane, if u copy a comp, select a folder, and paste; the comp will be pasted inside the selected folder.
10.The Add, Match, and Remove Grain plugins are now 5x faster thanks to the GPU optimization
11.The Video Limiter plugin from Premiere Pro has been added to AE. This plugin is mostly used for older video systems like NTSC.
12.Remove all proxies in one click. We can now select all proxies and right click to change them to None.
13.Essential Graphics Improvements: add all the Transform properties in 2D
14.Master Properties via Essential Graphics: Direct access to nested comps from the essential graphics and parent comp.
15.Advanced Mode for the Puppet Tool. Better adaptation and bending via its Mesh smart adjustment Properties: Density and Expansion. We can always shift back to Legacy Mode which is the original Puppet Tool.
16.The Puppet Starch Tool which creates a mode as well in the properties.
17.Pick Whip multi properties with numbers between comps (example one's opacity to another one's rotation)
18.Visualize the value of any of the proprieties on the screen simplified: ex. drag and drop the rotation values to the screen
19.Starting fast with the New Composition From Footage when we open AE that opens up the footage in a comp with same settings
20.When we import a clip, a new Create Composition in the import window can be checked. (If importing stills sequence, you can change the frame rate from preferences > import > change frame rate)
21.Keyboard Shortcuts Copy To Clipboard. Click it to paste your shortcuts on any spreadsheet like excel.
22.Create Nulls from Paths. Go to the new script Windows > Create Nulls from Paths. After checking the Allow Scripts in the preferences windows, you'll have 3 different types of actions: points follow nulls, bulls follow points, and trace path.
23.Preview fonts as we select one and star them as favorites
24.Automate motion with data driven animation from .json files outside AE. We download the API data files from websites and open them in TextWrangler app.
25.There is a new sign that Shy Layers exist in the comp; from the discontinuous numbering and dark lines between the layers.
26.Motion blurs, 3rd party directional blurs, and even the core Transform properties are now handled by the GPU
27.Aside .json, .csv (comma separated) and .tsv (tab separated) are now adopted
28.Upgraded VR Comp editor in the Windows menu
29.Immersive Video category in the effects panel: ex. New VR converter plugin.
30.Improvement in the VR Plane to Sphere plugin. Now it looks way better.

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